I adjusted the Cache level until I got a satisfactory balance between buffering and channel change times. I forgot to add that in the readme, sorry. You need to edit the tvheadend container and change network from bridge to host for HDHomerun to work.
I read about older versions of TVHeadend needing a HDHomerun driver installed but I thought this version (listed as 4.1 in the about tab) was suppose to be set up for HDHomerun out of the box. I'm sure I'm missing something simple but can't for the life of me figure out what. Now I'm stressed because I killed a semi working MythTV setup with schedulesdirect going (mostly) and now I'm stuck. I then removed TVHeadend, rebooted again and started over with just TVHeadend.

I tried removing the MythTV Docker but nothing changed. I did see a note "Tuners already in use will not appear below" and I figured MythTV was "using" it even though I had stopped it. I have a HDHomerun Connect that was working with MythTV.
Started the Wizard but there were no options when it got to TV Adapter and Networks. So I installed through the Community Applications and then went to setup everything.

I've been experimenting with Mythtv but TVHeadend seems to be better supported with Kodi. The second client is trying to use the same tuner to connect instead of one of the other three. Note the log entry when the second client tries to access a channel from the same mux. Is anyone else having this problem? I captured some log info during the time I launched the channel streams. I cannot replicate this issue when connecting to my HDHR backend, streams play just fine so I'm hoping it's a simple setting modification I've missed. But if I begin a stream from channel-5 on the same mux, from a separate client, the stream will only play audio and TVHeadend stream status does not detect a second tuner being used. Although I have 4 tuners configured with TVHeadend If I start a stream from channel-4 on one client it will play just fine. I'm also finding that I cannot stream multiple OTA channels from the same mux (e.g.,195.028MHz).